
Nicolas Maduro

Facing default, Venezuela signs debt deal with Russia


Venezuela has entered into “selective default” and signed a deal with a major Russian creditor.

A man looks at a poster placed on an advertising board that reads "Yesterday, Braden or Peron - Today: Griesa or Cristina", in Buenos Aires on July 29, 2014. Argentine debt negotiators held talks in New York on Tuesday with the U.S. mediator in the South

The new Argentine debt crisis resurrects painful memories and fears of economic disaster

A road leads to the U.S. Capitol in Washington

Asia may be the winner as Europe and America kick the debt crisis can down the road, again

Global Politics

Why is the world facing a possible US default with a yawn?

Unemployed Argentines and workers line up outside the Banco de la Nacion in Buenos Aires trying to collect their money, December 21, 2001. Argentina would default on its sovereign debt days later.

Argentines, after going through it themselves, can’t understand why America would voluntarily default

The consequences if debt ceiling deal can’t be reached

Global Politics

The deadline is looming as is the possibility the country will have to default on its $14.3 trillion of debt.

How to Emerge from Default and Debt: Lessons from Cleveland

In December 1978, Cleveland, Ohio became the first in the United States to default on its debts since the Great Depression. The city, soon nicknamed “Mistake by the Lake,” owed six banks a total of $15 million. It took 22 months — and a new mayor, George Voinovich — for the city to regain financial […]

Is a Greek debt default inevitable?

The Greek Finance Ministry said  talks resumed last night between the country and international leaders, on a way to loan cash to Greece by mid-October and save it from defaulting. U.S. and European markets have fallen as Greece’s fate hangs in the balance, and many are wondering how a Greek default would impact the rest of […]

As Debt Deadline Looms, States Could Be Biggest Loser of Them All

As the deadline for increasing the nation’s debt ceiling inches closer, individual states are getting ready for the possibility that the Treasury will run out of cash. According to the National Association of State Budget Officers, 35 percent of state budgets rely upon federal funding to keep programs like unemployment, Medicaid, transportation projects and highways […]

The World

Historically black colleges tackle student loan defaults

Conflict & Justice

Growing numbers of recent college students are defaulting on their student loans, which can threaten federal funding for their alma maters. A group of historically black colleges in Texas set up a successful program to counsel students and avoid default.