Debt bondage

migrant workers on a farm

Convicts are returning to farming – anti-immigrant policies are the reason

Human rights

A growing number of convicts are being used for farm labor, while being paid close to nothing and left unprotected by the law.

U.S. plans stepped up efforts to combat human trafficking

Conflict & Justice

The Changing Face of the South

Investigating the Underground Trade of Human Trafficking

The World

The Best and Worst Countries on Global Slavery List

US State Dept. Speaks Out on Sex Trafficking in Japan

Conflict & Justice

The Department of State requested the opportunity to clarify U.S. policy on sex trafficking. Lisa Mullins speaks with Alison Kiehl Friedman, Deputy Director for the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons.

Filipino Workers in Japan: Economic Migrants or Victims of Sex Trafficking?

Global Politics

Every year, thousands of Filipino women travel to Japan. They work in so-called hostess clubs in Tokyo. But according to the US government, they are victims of sex trafficking.

Stopping Human Trafficking on the Home Front

A new report by the State Department says 27 million people are victims of human trafficking worldwide. Though the report names Libya, Iran, Myanmar, and Sudan as the worst offenders when it comes to human trafficking, the United States is not immune to the problem. Hundreds of thousands of people are trafficked in the U.S., […]

The World

Investigating nail salons as cover for sex and labor trafficking

We speak with Phillip Martin, reporter for WGBH, about the increase in human trafficking in New England and beyond. Martin’s reporting exposes where and how human trafficking crimes take place and why it is so difficult to prevent them.

The World

American children victims of human trafficking

Lifestyle & Belief

Human trafficking is a horrific practice that sometimes seems to only happen overseas and far away. However, a recent report says about 1,000 American-born children are forced into the sex trade every year in Ohio alone.