
Norway’s right-wing extremists have evolved

The targets of right-wing extremists in Norway have moved from immigrants to politicians.

Multiculturalism failed, say European leaders

Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik convicted, sentenced for 77 murders

Global Politics

Anders Breivik influenced by anti-Muslim bloggers

Norway responds to Glenn Beck remark

Anders Breivik and the Norway Justice System

Conflict & Justice

As Anders Breivik now enters the prison system, the possibility remains – however remote – that he will be released in the future. Host Marco Werman talks with Thomas Ugelvik from the University of Oslo about justice – Norway style.

Anders Breivik Receives Maximum Sentence for Mass Killing in Norway

Conflict & Justice

Anders Breivik has been given the maximum sentence for his crimes – 21 years. Host Marco Werman talks with Christin Bjelland of a group representing survivors and the families of those affected by Breivik’s attacks.

View of Colorado Theater Shooting A Year After Norway Attacks

Conflict & Justice

For many in other countries the shooting is a stinging reminder of their own tragedies.

Families of Victims Stage Walkout in Breivik Trial

Conflict & Justice

A large group of survivors and victims’ families walked out of court Friday in Olso, as the self-confessed killer, Anders Behring Breivik demanded to be set free.

The World

Norway Massacre Trial Nears Conclusion

Conflict & Justice

The central issue at the trial is whether Breivik is sane, but the experts just can’t agree.