
An empoyee checks the separation process of blood donations at the Interregional Transfusion CRS in Bern, Switzerland, June 15, 2017. Blood shortages occur often in the US.

How game theory could help ensure you will get blood when you need it


These researchers who study game theory and supply chains believe that game theory can be a powerful tool in assisting decision-makers in assessing and addressing critical blood shortages.

Sicily, 1943: Whose blood was this U.S. soldier getting?

Desegregating blood: A civil rights struggle to remember

The World

Bollywood Bloodbath and other Global Fright Music

Arts, Culture & Media

The Blood Feeders

Denizen of the Sea

Denizen of the Sea

The humble horseshoe crab has been around for 350 millions years. Over time, humans have found multiple uses for this denizen of the sea, and its most lucrative attribute turns out to be its blood. Host Steve Curwood visits with scientist Bill Sargent on the shores of Cape Cod, where these prehistoric creatures abound.

The World


Bats blind and suck the blood of animals and humans. These are just some of the myths that follow these nocturnal creatures. WNPR’s Diane Orson went out with a team of scientists one evening and discovered that bats are valuable in more ways than one.

The World

Lifting the ban on gay men donating blood

Conflict & Justice

Gay men have been banned from donating blood since 1983. But now, a group of senators led by John Kerry are petitioning to put an end to the 27-year-old ban.

The World

‘True Blood’ and the Spread of Viral Advertising

Arts, Culture & Media

Viral marketing campaigns have changed the way the entertainment industry lures audiences. The Takeaway is joined by Steve Wax, a managing partner at Campfire ad agency, and Brian Morrissey, Digital Editor for Ad Week magazine.