
The World

Birdnote ®/Migration – Long, Short and In-Between

Migration; Long, Short , And In Between- As fall settles in many birds are heading south in search of warmer weather, some are long distance travelers, while others head for the hills.

The World

BirdNote ® – Snail Kite – Bird of the Everglades

The World

BirdNote® All That Jazz

The World

BirdNote ®: The Big Thicket

The World

BirdNote ® Night Voices

The World


Every year, the spring rains bring life, and birdcalls, back to the California desert.

The World

BirdNote® How Birds Sing So Loud

Although it’s a mere 5 and a half inches long, thanks to some remarkable anatomy, the Carolina Wren has one of the loudest voices in the forest.

The World

BIRDNOTE®/Urban Birds Change Their Tune

To make themselves heard in noisy city gardens, urban birds sing higher and faster.

The World

BirdNote © Sage Grouse

Broad areas of sagebrush in the west are being displaced by agriculture, threatening the impressive mating displays of the male Greater Sage-Grouse and the species existence.

The World

BirdNote ® Barred Owl

Few creatures are out and about in the long dark nights of the northern hemisphere’s winter, but the cold doesn’t deter the Barred Owl.