
The giant Velutina hornet is about four times bigger than a honey bee.

In Spain, beekeepers continue to battle killer hornets


Europeans have been battling the Velutina hornet for about 15 years. Spanish beekeepers have sent out a mayday for help, but so far they’ve been left to defend their hives on their own.

A photo of Leydy Pech, a Mayan beekeeper

Mayan beekeepers launch legal battle to protect the environment


British Beekeepers Warned Asian Hornets are Coming

When it comes to honey, in many stores you’re not getting what you think

The World

The plight of the honeybee

The World

Bee trouble in Britain


Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with Tim Lovett of the British Beekeeping Association about the danger that honey bee populations might collapse in Britain; the same problem wiped out millions of bees in the United States last year.