Arab people


An Afghan student chooses to celebrate Halloween during the somber Islamic holiday of Muharram


The Islamic holiday on Muharram fell on the same night as Halloween this year, which posed an interesting predicament for Afghani student Ali Shahidy: To mourn or to party?

Kurdish Peshmerga forces, Makhmur.

Kurds in northern Iraq now suspect their Arab neighbors of siding with ISIS

Sumaya Albgal, the daughter of immigrants from Yemen, is a student at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.

A daughter of immigrants tests how far a Yemeni woman can go

Development & Education

Russia Digs in Over Syria

Global Politics

The World After the Arab Spring

Conflict & Justice

Syrian mother struggles over whether to return to husband, home as civil war rages

Global Politics

Syria has been embroiled in a bitter civil war for more than two years. That prompted one Syrian woman, Ahlam, to come to America to give birth to her daughter, near her family. But now, with her husband unable to leave, she’s preparing to return to the violence that is Syria today.

As minorities flee, the Middle East loses its once rich religious diversity

The Middle East, once a region of great religious diversity, has seen a mass emigration of minorities in recent decades. It’s now one of the most religiously monolithic regions in the world. One Middle East scholar says the trend is likely to continue as tensions there continue to grow.

Survivor tries to make sense of aftermath of Norway attacks as trial continues

Global Politics

The trial of Anders Breivik, the Norwegian man who is accused of trying to start a race war by massacring dozens at a political party youth conference, has faded from the headlines as it marches onward. But for Norwegians, the questions it raised are still bold. They’re trying to find their way forward amidst uncomfortable questions.

Why Egypt Crisis Worries Neighbors

Conflict & Justice

There’s a saying in the Middle East, as goes Egypt so goes the Arab World. The current chaos in Cairo is being watched with concern in Libya and Tunisia, as anchor Marco Werman hears from the BBC’s North Africa correspondent, Rana Jawad.

Arab Rap on Khat Thaleth

Global Hit

Anchor Marco Werman features a few tracks by rappers from Egypt, Syria, and the Palestinian territories whose music is now inspired by the Arab Awakening.