al qaeda in the arabian peninsula

A screenshot from a video released by al Qaeda on December 4, 2014, showing hostage, Luke Somers.

A failed US hostage rescue attempt in Yemen raises more questions about US policy on hostages


Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has defended a failed operation to rescue a US hostage in Yemen. Hagel said the intelligence was sound, and so is the policy behind it. But a lot of questions remain over the raid, which ended with the hostage, Luke Somers, and another hostage, South African aid worker Pierre Korkie, getting killed.

A suspected al-Qaeda militant waiting at the state security court of appeals in Sanaa in March, 2013.  Many young men in Yemen get swept up in security crackdowns and become radicalized in jail.

Sitting down to tea in Yemen with the mother of al-Qaeda militants

Conflict & Justice