Administrative units of Pakistan

Violent Pakistani group provides services to the poor

A group accused of involvement in ongoing political violence and the drug trade in Pakistan has started clinics, schools and services for the poor in its community.

Hunt for bin Laden and U.S.-Pakistan relations

Top of the Hour: Pakistan Militants Were Behind Hotel Attack, Morning Headlines

The World

Winter weather challenges in Afghanistan and Pakistan

The World

Taliban Leader: Dead or Alive?

Global Politics
The World

Pakistan’s Enemy No. 1, Dead?

The Taliban has confirmed that Baitullah Mehsud is dead and that leaders are trying to determine who will replace him. The Takeaway is joined by Jeremy Binnie, senior analyst on terrorism and insurgency at Jane’s Intelligence Group.

The World

An American Drone Strike Kills 50 in Pakistan

Missile strikes by a U.S. drone killed more than 50 people in South Waziristan, Pakistan, a Taliban stronghold. The Takeaway turns to Rob Watson, BBC defense correspondent, for more of the story.

The World

Pakistan’s most wanted reported killed

Global Politics

The head of the Pakistani Taliban, Baitullah Mehsud, is reported to have been killed by a US missile strike. The World’s Matthew Bell reports on what it could mean for the overall US mission in the region.

The World

Pakistan could be losing ground to the Taliban

Global Politics

Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with the BBC’s Aamer Ahmed Khan about the battle between the Pakistani army and Taliban militants for control of two key areas along the border with Afghanistan. The army has launched an offensive to get the Taliban out of the region, but so far the militants have maintained a firm and […]

The World

American aid worker killed in Pakistan

Conflict & Justice

An American aid worker was ambushed and shot dead in Pakistan today. The victim has been identified as the head of a U.S.-government-funded development project in the northwestern city of Peshawar.