Acid throwing

From left, BBC reporter Shaimaa Khalil, salon owner Murtasa Misbah and acid attack victim Bushra Shafi, who got medical attention for her burns thanks to Misbah and now works at her salon.

‘For less than a dollar, you can [buy] a liter of acid and basically destroy someone’s life’


Almost 10 years ago, a young Pakistani woman was held down by her mother-in-law while her husband and father-in-law threw acid on her. Some 150 operations later, Bushra Shafi is working as a beautician in a hair salon in Lahore, started by a hairdresser who was moved to help victims of acid attacks when one of them came into her salon and asked simply: “Can you make me beautiful again?”

Pakistani women have new tools to fight disfiguring acid attacks

Conflict & Justice

Oscar-winning film sheds light on vicious acid attacks against women

Arts, Culture & Media

Acid attacks on the rise in Uganda

In Pakistan, Women are the Target of Disfiguring Acid Attacks

Conflict & Justice

“Saving Face”: An Oscar-Winning Look at Acid Attacks in Pakistan

There are at least 100 reports of acid attacks in Pakistan each year, and they’re overwhelmingly against women. This figure only accounts for the reported cases – it’s assumed that many more go unreported. The Academy Award-winning documentary short film “Saving Face”  looks at this phenomenon through the experiences of three people: Zakia, a 39-year-old woman […]

Rebuilding the Faces of Pakistan’s Acid Attack Victims

Lifestyle & Belief

London-based plastic surgeon Mohammad Jawad uses a pioneering technique to rebuild the skin on the faces of victims of acid attacks in Pakistan. His work is subject of an Oscar-nominated short documentary, Saving Face. He speaks with anchor Marco Werman.

The World

Acid Attacks on the Rise in Uganda

Conflict & Justice

Acid throwing attacks are not that common in Africa, but they are starting to happen more often in Uganda.