southern Utah

Grand Escalante

US interior secretary recommends altering some national monuments for commercial use


A leaked report says Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke wants to shrink or alter some national monuments in order to allow greater commercial use of the land.

Hunger Games fans prepare for upcoming movie release with films of their own creation

Arts, Culture & Media

The Wilderness Act at Thirty-Five

Presidential Politics in the Northwest

The World

Utah: Red Rock Culture

Daisy Recovery

Twenty-five years ago it was thought that just 7 Maguire Daisy plants existed in the whole world. Now, over 160,000 can be found in their native Utah. The plant was taken off the Endangered Species list but the number of plants probably hasn’t increased,

The World

Sacred Ground: Rainbow bridge

Reporter Jane Fritz brings us the voices of Navajo elders and high school students talking about Rainbow Bridge, in southern Utah. The National Monument is the world’s largest sandstone arch, rising 275 feet from a side canyon of Lake Powell at the foot of Navajo Mountain, and is a sacred place to many Navajos.