
Politicians focused on clean energy jobs, but not climate benefits of being green


Politicians of all stripes are clamoring to lay out how they’d support continued growth in green energy jobs. But when it comes to talking about green jobs, politicians are focused mostly on the jobs part and less on the green.

Micro-loans helping solar power take hold in India

India’s green energy promises

One of a fleet of trucks in the Bangalore area that brings untreated sewage from homes to farms, to be used as fertilizer.

Recycled lunch: Using human waste to grow food, and fight climate change

Solar panel in India

Rural India Turns to Solar Power

The World

India’s Hoop Star


For the Geo Quiz we are looking for an Indian state wedged between the Arabian Sea and the Western Ghats. This state’s neighbors are Karnataka to the north and Tamil Nadu to the east. Among its many natural resources are black pepper, cardamom and tigers.