Spencer Ackerman

Chelsea Manning pictured in a photograph published to her Twitter account on May 18.

Harvard called ‘cowardly’ for rescinding offer to Chelsea Manning after pressure from veterans

Global Politics

Whistleblower Chelsea Manning is at the center of a dispute after Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government invited, then disinvited her to become a visiting fellow.

Smoke rises over Syrian town of Kobani after an airstrike, as seen from the Mursitpinar border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province, October 18, 2014.

Foreign fighters are joining jihadi groups in ‘unprecedented’ numbers


Alabaman-turned jihadist could be next American in drones’ sights

Global Politics

Foreign policy and the presidential campaign

Global Politics

This Might Be the Next American to Be Killed by Drones

FBI Purges Hundreds of Islamophobic Training Documents

Coming up, the FBI has finally purged hundreds of Islamophobic counter-terrorism training documents about Muslims. Wired’s Spencer Ackerman joins The Takeaway with more about the documents–and how the FBI is changing its practices.

Evacuating Pakistan’s Remote Shamsi Airbase

Global Politics

In response to the NATO air strikes over the weekend, Islamabad is demanding that the US vacate a base inside Pakistan used to launch drone attacks. Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with Spencer Ackerman of Wired.com’s “Danger Room” blog about the base.

Conspiracy Theorists Question Bin Laden’s Death

Within hours of the news that Osama Bin Laden had been killed and buried at sea, the Internet lit up with commentary, speculation, and the beginnings of conspiracy theories. The more conspiracy minded wondered: How do we know it wasn’t a double? And how do we know that the real Osama is not still alive […]

The World

Afghanistan: Examining McChrystal’s Record

Global Politics

President Obama announced his nominee for top American commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, a few weeks ago. Confirmation hearings began today. Taking a critical look at this is Spencer Ackerman, writer for the Washington Independent.

The World

Spencer Ackerman

Global Politics

Guest host Brian Donovan talks to Spencer Ackerman, a senior correspondent for the American Prospect, about Senator Obama’s proposals on foreign policy.