Robin Finesmith

The World


Recent research into the combined effects of various chemicals shows some deleterious health effects. Of special concern is the substance Atrazine when it comes into contact with other pesticides and herbicides. Robin Finesmith of Living on Earth’s Midwest Bureau in Cleveland reports.

The World

Airborne Pesticides

The World

School Yard Turns Wild

The World

Suburban Sprawl Solutions

The World

Savvy Sixth Graders: Young Citizens Purchase E.P.A. Pollution Credits

The World

Cuyahoga River Clean Up

Twenty-six years ago, the Cuyahoga River in Ohio was a burning toxic soup. After a concerted cleanup effort, commerce along the river is picking up and fish are beginning to reappear. Robin Finesmith reports from Living on Earth’s Midwest bureau at station WCPN on debate over finalizing the cleanup.