Ricardo Rosselló

Protesters gather with colorful signs

Puerto Rico’s new land-use zoning map strikes a nerve with fed-up citizens


The proposed map could potentially speed up the development of — and radically transform — popular natural landscapes and historically protected urban architecture. It was rolled out in the midst of an unprecedented political uprising, which might have doomed the proposal to obscurity. Instead, it struck a nerve.

A woman with her right hand up is on the left side of the photo, a woman holding a book

3 governors in Puerto Rico? A plot twist beyond ‘House of Cards,’ says minority leader.

Several people on stilts and others line a street

Poet laureate says despite poverty, Puerto Ricans are ‘very powerful’ in fight against corruption

Conflict & Justice
Sneakers hang from downed wires in the wake of Hurricane Maria

With the lights still dark in Puerto Rico, solar companies see an opportunity to help

Hurricane Maria damage

Puerto Rico calls for more federal help after Hurricane Maria
