Mike Daisey

Studio 360

Maira, MacDowell, Miranda

Free lunch! The MacDowell Colony celebrates 100 years of providing artists studio space in the woods, no interruptions, and a picnic basket delivered to the cabin door. We’ll hear from MacDowell alums monologist Mike Daisey, and visual artist Tara Geer. Plus, Maira Kalman trolls for ideas on the streets of New York, and Miranda July […]

Studio 360

Nikola Tesla: Strange Genius

The astounding mad scientist life of Nikola Tesla. Just who was this pioneer of radio, radar, and wireless communication? We discover his legacy in the work of today’s scientists and artists. Samantha Hunt’s new novel The Invention of Everything Else is a fictional portrait of Tesla. Monologist Mike Daisey tells us how Tesla X-rayed Mark […]

Studio 360

Porochista, MacDowell, Blind Boys

The ultimate summer camp for artists. For a century New Hampshire’s MacDowell Colony has given artists studio space in the woods, no interruptions, and a picnic basket delivered to the cabin door. We’ll hear from MacDowell alums Mike Daisey, a monologist, and Tara Geer, a visual artist. The writer Henry Alford gets inspired to start […]

Studio 360

Artists and Obama

To mark the Inauguration we asked poets, actors, and musicians to leave voicemails for the new president. Artists who turned Obama into an icon during the campaign, find themselves in a quandary. And Kurt has an exit interview with departing NEA chairman Dana Gioia. Plus, all of New York City fits into a single room […]

Studio 360

Studio 360 Live: Time Travel

Studio 360 goes back to the future. Kurt Andersen welcomes 2010 with a special time travel show, taped before a live audience. Physics professor Dave Goldberg says time travel is scientifically possible, while sci-fi writer Connie Willis warns how such journeys might go awry. And music sensation Janelle Mone performs her 28th Century funk. Plus, […]

Studio 360

Time Travel

Studio 360 goes back to the future. Kurt Andersen hosts a special time travel show, taped before a live audience. Physics professor Dave Goldberg says time travel is scientifically possible, while sci-fi writer Connie Willis warns how such journeys might go awry. And music sensation Janelle Mone performs her 28th-century funk. Plus, a surprise visitor […]