Judy Gross

'Wild' author Cheryl Strayed, pictured with Reese Witherspoon, who has been nominated for an Oscar for her portrayal of Strayed, who trekked for 1,100 to try to put substance abuse and her mother's death behind her.

‘Wild’ author among provocative guests at State of the Union

Global Politics

A woman who carries a mattress around Columbia University to protest sex assaults. The daughter of a felled Cuban human rights campaigner. The author of the best-seller “Wild.” They are among the guests for the State of the Union address.

Demonstrators gathered for a rally for American detainee Alan Gross in Washington, DC, during December 2013.

After five years in a Cuban jail, an American contractor is ‘literally wasting away’

Judy Gross the wife of a U.S. contractor jailed in Cuba for crimes against the state, speaks at a rally for her husband's release in Florida.

It’s four years and counting for one American in a Cuban jail cell

Conflict & Justice

Wife of American Held in Cuba Hoping for Papal Help

Global Politics