Jonathan Mahler

A powerful Executive Branch

Global Politics

When President-elect Barack Obama takes office, he’ll take over an Executive Branch more powerful than any other.

The Ghosts of Super Bowl Halftime Shows Past


Joe Paterno Fired by Penn State After 46 Years

The World

WikiLeaks exposes attempted deals to transfer inmates out of Gitmo

Global Politics
The World

9/11 ‘mastermind’ to be tried in New York City

Conflict & Justice
The World

The Final Days of Guantanamo Bay (Eventually)

Conflict & Justice

The remaining prisoners at Guantanamo Bay may be tried in courtrooms attached to high-security prisons. The Takeaway talks to Leavenworth, Kansas mayor Shay Baker, Standish prison guard Paul Piche, and New York Times Magazine writer Jonathan Mahler.

The World

National Security: Obama’s Plan for Guantanamo Bay

Global Politics

This morning President Obama will deliver what the White House is calling a major national security speech. At least part of his speech will detail his plan to close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center. The Takeaway talks to Jonathan Mahler.

The World

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s last hearings at Gitmo

Global Politics

Jonathan Mahler, New York Times magazine contributor, talks with The Takeaway about the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s (self-described mastermind of the 9-11 attacks) hearings and what to look for as the week unfolds at GITMO.

The World

The Obama administration and the imbalance of power with Capitol Hill

Global Politics

When President-elect Barack Obama takes office in January, he’ll take over a transformed executive branch with expanded power — more power than most presidents have had. Guest: Jonathan Mahler, New York Times magazine contributor.

The World

The Pentagon drops all war-crimes charges against five Guantanamo Bay detainees

Global Politics

The U.S. government has dismissed charges against five prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay after the military prosecutor assigned to the cases resigned. Jonathan Mahler explains what this means for the future of the controversial prison and court.