Jina Moore

Residents who were in an Ebola quarantine area complain to a security officer as they wait for their relatives to bring them food and essentials, in West Point, Monrovia, on August 23, 2014.

It’s not just the US — Liberian officials are rethinking Ebola quarantines


The issue of quarantine is not only a hot-button topic in the US: Officials in Ebola-ravaged Liberia, for instance, have grappled with the issue for months. And that is why some are now looking to Liberia to draw upon lessons learned from an evolved quarantine policy.

Canada's Highway of Heroes

Canada says goodbye to a hero shot dead on Wednesday

Global Scan
Soldiers check people traveling in Bomi County, in the northwestern portion of Liberia, on August 11, 2014.

Fear in Liberia turns violent as a mob attacks an Ebola clinic

Nigerian parents

Nigeria’s kidnapped girls spur public anger, vigils and a Paris summit

Conflict & Justice

African reporter confronted with violent threats after story on female circumcision

Reporter Threatened Over Female Circumcision Story in Liberia

Conflict & Justice

A journalist in Liberia has gone into hiding after receiving threats related to a story she wrote on female circumcision. Female genital mutilation has received a lot of attention in the Western media; in Liberia remains extremely sensitive.