Fresh off hearing oral arguments on President Obama’s health care overhaul, the Supreme Court is stepping back into the political spotlight. Today, the high court will consider the legality of Arizona’s tough crackdown on illegal immigrants. A quick refresher: Back in April 2010, Arizona adopted SB 1070, the nation’s toughest law on illegal immigration. It […]
Today the Supreme Court will hear arguments in Arizona v. United States, the case that will decide the constitutionality of Arizona’s controversial immigration law, SB 1070. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed SB 1070 into law in April 2010, and the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case in last December. Arizona argues that the federal government is not […]
The Republican presidential candidates prepare for primary battles in Michigan and Arizona, two states hit particularly hard by the economic crisis. Mitt Romney won the support of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, but will his popularity in Arizona help him rise in the Michigan polls? In economic news, the German parliament prepares for a vote on […]
As we begin the first week of 2011, new and re-elected governors all across the nation will soon be inaugurated. We’ve been highlighting governors that you’re sure to hear about in the coming year. Today we focus on Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer, as she begins her second term. Nadine Arroyo Rodriguez, reporter and host from […]