Eaten Fish

a cartoon drawn by cartoonist Eaten Fish that shows a map of Russia with a sad face, a tear in one eye and the words "I am only a refugee" wit the "I" in the shape of a fishbone.

How Eaten Fish survived four years in refugee detention with his cartoons, social media and a network of activist friends


It took pressure, and lots of it, to get Iranian cartoonist known as “Eaten Fish” out of the Australian-run detention camp and it was social media that started the domino of pressure and activism that finally freed him.

This cartoon by Eaten Fish is playing off the name of the Australian-funded offshore detention camp in Papua New Guinea where the Iranian cartoonist is being held. It's called the Manus Regional Processing Centre but many hundreds of the aslylum seekers t

The Trump Administration says it will honor the Obama-era deal with Australia to resettle its offshore detainees. That’s good news for cartoonist Eaten Fish.
