David Miliband

A solider with a gun stands on an armored vehicle.

There is ‘a grave hole in the international response’ to violence in Cameroon, IRC says

Conflict & Justice

Cameroon is facing multiple armed insurgencies that have killed and displaced thousands. David Miliband, chief executive of the International Red Cross, says he saw “utter devastation” during a recent trip there.

Rohingya refugee children attend a makeshift school at Balukhali Makeshift Refugee Camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.

Trump says the world is a nasty place. This humanitarian disagrees.

Global Politics
A Syrian refugee child who has been living in a tent in Jordan since fleeing her hometown of Idlib.

The exodus from Syria has reached ‘almost biblical proportions’

All members with the exception of Russia's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin and China's deputy U.N. Ambassador Wang Min vote in the United Nations Security Council in favor of referring the Syrian crisis to the International Criminal Court for investigation o

The Geneva Conventions look useless in the face of today’s potential war crimes


Former British Foreign Minister David Miliband Discusses Plight of Syrian Refugees

Global Politics

A British spy, a Speedo and Facebook


Security concerns over photos posted on Facebook of head of Britain’s spy agency playing Frisbee in Speedo.

The West responds to Russia

International condemnation mounts over Russia’s recognition of Georgia’s breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.