Anna Boiko-Weyrauch


Organizations try to fight ‘brain waste’ and get highly trained immigrants back to work


Many immigrants’ previous professions can slip away because of red tape, economics and hefty requirements. “Welcome Back” centers are trying to help with the hurdles.

Chopping Chicken in Missouri: Immigrants — Not Locals — Still Fill the Processing Lines

Conflict & Justice

Immigrant farmers breaking barriers in US midwest

Teleconferencing to Connect War-Scattered Hmong Community

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Mockingbird in Monroeville

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Aha Moment: TV On The North Slope

Arts, Culture & Media

Filmmaker Andrew Okpeha MacLean is from an Inuit family in Barrow, Alaska. When TV was introduced to the North Slope, it began to decimate the Inupiaq language. Now he’s making films that bring that language to the world beyond the Arctic. Produced by Anna Boiko-Weyrauch.

The World

Geo Answer: Saving a nomadic language

Arts, Culture & Media

Correspondent Anna Boiko-Weyrauch reports on efforts by some Tuaregs in the west African country of Mali to preserve their traditional language. Mali is the answer to today’s Geo Quiz.