
The enduring harvest of the ‘Tears of Chios’


The domesticated versions of wild Mediterranean shrubs are the world’s sole source of gum mastic — a clear resin that has been used by humans for at least 2,500 years. Today, some growers are trying to keep up that tradition.

A man holds soybeans in his hands.

How soybeans became China’s most powerful weapon in Trump’s trade war

Teatro Campesino

Arts, Culture & Media


Arts, Culture & Media

Special Guest: Verlyn Klinkenborg

Arts, Culture & Media

Matt Moore

Arts, Culture & Media

The unrelenting sprawl of tract houses and big box stores has made its way to Wadell, Arizona, outside of Phoenix, pushing out small farms. Matt Moore’s family has farmed there for decades, and before his farm becomes a subdivision, he decided to make art about it, by plowing the floor plans of tract houses into […]

Grow Your Own Van Gogh (Just Add Water)

Arts, Culture & Media

Artist Stan Herd’s giant floral recreation of a van Gogh painting can be seen from a plane. It’s a stunt, sure, but it might also be a sincere expression of what van Gogh wanted.

No-till farming.

Another way to grow crops — by laying down the plow


No-till farming is being championed by farmers and environmentalists alike. Here’s why.


Japanese Americans remember a dark chapter when they were ‘more number than name’


Looking back to the US incarceration of Japanese Americans and how, as one historian puts it, people can “lose sight of our important national values of justice and rule of law.”


Some advice for starting your own backyard ‘carbon farm’


A “carbon farming” expert explains how smart perennial planting can help your garden sequester more carbon, and produce more food.