
The World

NHS blood scandal in the UK

Investigators in Britain have recently released an explosive report detailing how more than 30,000 UK residents contracted HIV or hepatitis from tainted blood products in the 1970s and 1980s. Survivors of the contamination and their families have welcomed new pledges of compensation. And, security forces rescued 350 hostages from Boko Haram captivity in Nigeria on […]

The Takeaway

How N.R.A. Fundraising Shapes the Political Landscape

The National Rifle Association’s annual conference beings today in Dallas. Around 80,000 people are expected to attend and the event is slated to feature high-profile speakers such as Texas Senator Ted Cruz, social media personalities ‘Diamond and Silk,’ Vice President Mike Pence, and President Donald Trump. The renown of their speakership illustrates the massive influence the N.R.A. enjoys in politics, which in turn comes partly from organization’s longstanding success in fundraising. The Takeaway examines the N.R.A.’s outsize role in American political fundraising. Plus, we look at the fallout from a school bus drivers’ “sickout” in Atlanta; the launch of NASA’s first-ever probe exploring the Martian interior; former Boston Celtics player-coach Bill Russell making history 50 years ago this week; a brewing diplomatic controversy between England and Ethiopia over stolen artifacts; and a preview of this week’s must-see (and must-avoid) films.

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Whose Century Is It?

Rule Britannia

Britain long ruled the waves, and many of its citizens have now voted for it to control its own borders, and make its own decisions, free of EU control. Is this about sovereignty, or identity, or something else entirely? It’s complicated, and often not in the ways you’d expect.

Brexit beer
Whose Century Is It?

Virtual beer and Brexit chat with European friends

When big things happen, there’s nothing like sitting down with smart friends over a beer (or coffee, or whatever), and kicking around ideas about what it all means, and where it’s all going. In this episode, host Mary Kay Magistad checks in with old friends in Dublin, London and Berlin, to see how Brexit looks from where they sit, and how it might affect their lives.