Climate change-related disasters have the potential to disrupt access to caregivers, assistive devices and medical supplies, which many people with a physical disability depend on, says Alex Ghenis of the Berkeley, California-based World Institute on Disability.
Iran’s been in the spotlight because of the agreement reached on its nuclear program. In Iran, the reaction has been positive, no matter which side of the country’s culture people sit on. Plus, an independent Scotland? Scots will be voting and the campaign is on. That and more, in today’s Global Scan.
AP photojournalist David Guttenfelder has been covering the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan and documenting the disaster via his Instagram feed. Some of his images, particularly of a newborn baby being kept alive by her parents hand-pumping oxygen into her lungs, are haunting.
The Vergera family had 10 people before the storm. Now, there are three. They live on one meal a day amidst the debris, barricaded from thieves at night. But leaving is out of the question, at least for now.
For many Filipinos, Philippine President Benigno Aquino’s visit to the typhoon-stricken city of Tacloban seems too little, too late. And the challenges to rebuilding the main staples of the economy – rice and fish – are daunting.