Five Things You Had to See Online This Week

This week in “Thanks, Internet” — a T.rex with pony tricks, “Uptown Funk” goes old school, and the best 106-year-old dancer we’ve ever seenwin the internet this week.

1. Better than”Killer Tofu”

Not only is this just a brilliant mashup. But it’s even better considering both Nickelodeon’s “Doug” and Ice Cube’s “Today Was a Good Day” were out there in the world — arguably in front of very different audiences — circa 1992. Forget “Fuller House,” we’ve got our early 90s nostalgia fix right here.


A guy in a T.rex costume riding a horse who is kicking a giant soccer ball, scored with the theme song from “Jurassic Park?” Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

3. HappyFeet

Virginia McLaurin just danced her way to officially being the most charming 106-year-old alive.

4.Uptown Old School

“Uptown Funk” is the giftthat keeps on giving. And this compilation of the greats fromthe Golden Age of cinema absolutely nailing their moves to “Uptown Funk”might be the best yet. I mean, you knewFred Astaire could dance, but did you know he coulddance?

5.Conjuring Talib

Raven Kwokdoes some seriously coolthingswith algorithms and computer code. For his latest trick, he uses programming code to conjure up Talib Kweli.

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