Featured Poem: “Let’s”

Studio 360

Our latest listener challenge is for high school poets: write a poem on the theme of summer. Poet Dorothea Lasky will choose a winnerin time for the start of school. All summer long, we’re highlighting some of our favorite entries here on the blog.


by Samantha, 17 – from Virginia

Let’s dance all night
play hopscotch in the rain
as you twirl me.
Spinning spinning
spinning back time.
Forever in a moment.

Let’s walk to nowhere.
A destination secret until we arrive and
spending the days learning
all there is
about our newfound home.
Filling the holes in our knowledge with

Let’s stay inside
and watch Breaking Bad.
Neither of us paying much
but rather listening to the clockwork
of each other’s breaths.

Let’s lie forever under stars
during summer’s warmth.
Taking turns reading from Bradbury and Frost.
Our voices melting into the
evening symphony
of crickets, cicadas, and

Let’s be together
until time falls apart
and slips between our fingers.
The two of us unafraid to be
Each day a new chapter.

But it’s tricky to write
when I haven’t

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