Batman vs. Bane? Seen it.Batman vs. Superman? Someone’s on it already. But what if Gotham’s Dark Knight faced off against the Dark Lord of a galaxy far, far away? It’s not a matchup you’re likely ever to see in an official release,seeing as their copyrights belong to Warner Brothers and Disney, respectively.But actor and filmmaker AaronSchoenke isn’t bound by your sillyintellectual property laws — and he produceswhat are probably the finestfan-made death match videos on the whole of YouTube. “Batman vs. Darth Vader” is part of Schoeke’s series Super Power Beat Down, in which he brings to life scenarios to life that once only played out between action figures. And theproduction values areimpressive … most impressive.
SomeBatman fans couldn’t sleep after seeing the video’s disturbing ending (yes, I am talking from experience). Thankfully, Schoeke released a new version withan alternate ending,admitting that there are manydifferentversions of Batman: while the Batman who solves grisly crimescouldn’t beat Darth Vader, the master strategist Batman who fights alongside the Justice League probably could.
Schoenke produces these fan films with his father, Sean, through their production companyBat In The Sun. All thedigital effectsare done by Nikolay Zamkovoy, who livesin Russia. That’s one talented dude.
If you’re wondering how other franchise smackdowns play out, check out Captain America vs. Master Chieffrom the video game Halo. Spoiler alert: if you’re a Halo fan, you might not like how this one ends either.