Members of the ultra-left Russian National Bolshevik party (NBP) shouting slogans during an unsactioned protest outside the Russian Parliament building in Moscow. The NBP, headed by opposition favorite Eduard Limonov, has been placed on a Russian terrorist watch list.
Russia has publicly released its first ever list of those accused of terrorism and terrorist financing and money laundering
It looks pretty much like a copy of the US list, but whatever. Amidst the Abu Sayyaf and Al-Qaeda and various Somali groups etc, there are some interesting Russia-specific entries. Namely: a bunch of nationalist groups, some of which have been tolerated by the government, even as they are formally banned. That includes: the Slavic Union and DPNI. A new group, Russians, formed in May by former leaders of the Slavic Union and DPNI don’t make the list. But also on it? The National Bolshevik Party, headed by opposition favorite Eduard Limonov.
The list – which includes around 2000 people and organizations – was published in the official Rossisskaya Gazeta, which presented it thusly: “Today there’s one less mystery in the fight against terrorism.” Until now, the list has been secret, it notes, reveling in its transparency.
And then adds: “In fact, today we publish not the real list of people and organizations from whom one should keep one’s distance. It’s just the open part of the list.” Hm, ok.
It then, apparently, addresses those reading the list who might be on the list: “Is this really a list one gets on to for life? No. As RG’s correspondent was told by financial intelligence, it’s possible to fall off the list if the person or organization is officially recognized as not being involved in terrorist activities.”
“There’s another way to get off the list – by death.”
The goal of the list’s publication, the official paper says, is to make places like banks and realtors aware, just in case they deal with a potential terrorist.