A Massachusetts family got lost in a corn maze on Monday, and ended up calling 911 for help as the sun went down, The Boston Globe reports.
Police in Danvers, Massachusetts, received the call around 6:35 p.m., and a police officer and K-9 unit were able to quickly locate the family.
“We design the maze so that people get lost,” Bob Connor, owner of Connor’s Farm, which operates the seven-acre corn maze, told the Globe. “We don’t like to rush people out of the maze. We like to give people their money’s worth… I’m sure they won’t be the last family who gets lost in there.”
Reuters reports that the husband, wife and their two young children were only about 25 or 30 feet into the maze, but they panicked as the darkness closed in.
"I don't see anybody. I'm really scared. It's really dark and we've got a three-week-old baby with us," Reuters reports a woman saying in the recorded call to 911. "We thought this would be fun. Instead it's a nightmare."
This nightmare might have a happy ending, at least for Bob Connor.
"We have the whole country chasing us," Connor told The Los Angeles Times. "Nothing like this has ever happened."
He told the paper he might put a marker down on the spot where the family got lost.
"I don't want to offend them at all," he said. "Maybe I'll just say, 'The Famous Spot' and let people read between the lines."