British police use beer to catch criminals


Undercover cops in the UK came up with an ingenious plan to arrest suspects evading arrest. They simply promised them free beer if the fugitives got in touch.

Derbyshire police officers sent letters to dozens of suspects who had evaded arrests for several months, and told them to call a marketing company to receive a free crate of beer, BBC News reported.

However, when the suspects called the number, they were unknowingly put through to police officers instead. The cops arranged a time and date for the beer to be delivered.

Instead of enjoying their crate of beer, the suspects were confronted by the cops, handcuffed and put under arrest.

A whopping 19 people fell for the hoax, including people who had been accused of robbery and sexual assault.

According to Fox News:

"These suspects are people who have managed to evade arrest for some time so we have used different tactics to find them," Graham McLaughlin, from Derbyshire Police, said.

"It has been very cost effective as it can take a lot of time and money to track people down," he added.

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