A car bomb exploded in the Somalian capital of Mogadishu on Wednesday, wounding two people and triggering gunfire from police, reported Reuters. The blast happened in the city's busy administrative district, and police said four suspects had been detained.
The bomb was detonated near K-4 square, which includes an intersection of roads that lead from the airport to the city center, according to CNN. African Union troops fighting rebel militants are stationed near the square because of its location, making it a major target in recent years.
The car had been parked on the street, making security forces suspicious enough to block off traffic, said Reuters.
"We got a man with the remote control seconds after he detonated the car. We also arrested three other suspects," police spokesman Abdullahi Barise told Reuters.
According to CNN, there has been no official claim of responsibility. However, Reuters reported that suspicion will likely fall on Somalia's al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab militants, who have been fighting a five-year insurgency and control large parts of central and southern Somalia.
The most recent bombing puts pressure on the country's U.N.-backed government, still struggling to secure the city against the rebels, even with the help of nearly 10,000 African troops, reported Reuters.
Al Shabaab was listed as a foreign terrorist organization by the United States in 2008, according to CNN. The rebels are waging war against Somalia's government in order to implement a stricter form of sharia, or Islamic, law. Somalia's government has been struggling to function since 1991.
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