Report: Harrison Ford to play Han Solo in ‘Star Wars VII’

Harrison Ford may be back to play Han Solo in "Star Wars VII."

USA Today reported Latino Review reporter Umberto "El Mayimbe" Gonzalez appeared on Fox News Latino and confirmed Ford will return for the next film in the Star Wars franchise.

The Latino Review often breaks movie news, USA Today said.

"I found out yesterday. I did my due diligence, like I do with everything. Triple checked. Legitimate sources…His deal is done," Gonzalez said.

Neither Ford, 70, who played the role of Han Solo in the original Star Wars films, nor Lucasfilm, have confirmed the deal.

More from GlobalPost: Star Wars: J.J. Abrams to direct next film, beats out Ben Affleck

Hollywood writer and producer J.J. Abrams is slated to direct the film which is slated for release in 2015.

Ford told ABC News in 2010 he thought Solo "should have died in the last" Star Wars movie.

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