US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testifies on Jan. 23 before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the US mission in Benghazi, Libya in the Rayburn House Office Building.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Congress on Wednesday to answer questions about the deadly attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya on September 11.
Those attacks killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.
As GlobalPost reported the US government originally attributed the violence to an inflammatory movie trailer about the Prophet Mohammed, but further investigation proved it was the result of a coordinated terrorist attack.
At the Congressional hearings, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky was one of many Republicans who had harsh words for Clinton.
Paul blamed Clinton for a "failure of leadership," calling it the "greatest tragedy since 9/11," USA Today reported.
"Had I been president at the time and I found out that you did not read the cables … I would have relieved you of your post," Paul said. "I think it's inexcusable."
More from GlobalPost: Clinton testifies on Benghazi attacks to Congress
Paul has said he is "interested" in running for president in 2016, USA Today confirmed.
Watch the video from CNN: