Danish authorities announced on Friday that three men accused of planning a terrorist attack and illegally possessing firearms had been arrested in Copenhagen, according to The New York Times.
According to the Danish intelligence agency, PET, the three men who were seized at two different locations included a 22-year-old Jordanian, a 23-year-old Turkish citizen and a 21-year-old Dane, said The Times.
The suspects will go before a court on Saturday, reported the BBC.
PET said the men were "suspected of having been in the process of preparing an act of terror. The investigation will establish whether possible terror threats have been addressed and averted by the arrests," according to the BBC.
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The intelligence agency has warned the country of the threat of Islamic terrorists since the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad in the Jyllands-Posten newspaper sparked riots in 2005 in many Muslim countries, according to the Associated Press.
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It remains unclear whether the three arrested were linked to any terror network, and whether their plot was connected to the cartoons or to the first anniversary of Osama Bin Laden's death.
The AP noted that four Swedish residents are on trial in Denmark for planning a shooting spree at the Jyllands-Posten office in Copenhagen. In May, a Chechen-born suspect was sentenced to 12 years for a letter bomb that exploded in Copenhagen in 2010.
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