Watch footage of the gunman who briefly took over a Dutch TV studio

It's been just three weeks since the attack on Charlie Hedbo, so it's unnerving to learn that a gunman in the Netherlands on Thursday forced himself into a TV studio at Dutch national broadcaster NOS and demanded to be put on TV.

So don't worry, everything is fine.

The story is still developing, but the BBC has the main details.

Apparently, the man — wearing a suit and tie and looking, you've got to admit, rather dapper — showed up at NOS and demanded that a guard bring him to the studio where the main evening news was being broadcast live. The guard brought him to a different studio instead.

Here's what the studio's camera recorded.


It's not clear what the man's motivations were, but he reportedly gave a list of demands and asked to be put on air.

He also mentioned being part of a hacker collective and claimed he'd been hired by intelligence services.

NOS went down for around thirty minutes and then broadcast the footage from the incident.

Here's their account of the incident.

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