Snowden says he never gave Russia or China intelligence information

Edward Snowden is adamant that he did not give classified intelligence information to the governments of China or Russia.

Snowden remains at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport, reportedly deciding whether to seek aslyum in Venezuela, Nicaragua or Bolivia.

The former contractor with the United States National Security Agency, who leaked information about the government's secret surveillance program PRISM, told The Guardian: "I never gave any information to either government, and they never took anything from my laptops."

The response refutes recent reports from media organizations including the New York Times and The New Yorker which have floated the idea that China may have drained the contents of Snowden's four laptops while he was in Hong Kong.

More from GlobalPost: How Snowden might just spark a new Cold War in America's backyard

The news comes on the heels of a Quinnipiac poll released Wednesday that shows 55 percent of American voters think Snowden "is a whistle-blower, rather than a traitor."

Another 35 percent still believe he betrayed his country.

"The massive swing in public opinion about civil liberties and governmental anti- terrorism efforts, and the public view that Edward Snowden is more whistle-blower… are the public reaction and apparent shock at the extent to which the government has gone in trying to prevent future terrorist incidents," said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

"The fact that there is little difference now along [Republican or Democratic] party lines about the overall anti- terrorism effort and civil liberties and about Snowden is in itself unusual in a country sharply divided along political lines about almost everything." — Quinnipiac poll press release

The poll found that compared with previous data, both men and Republicans, groups historically more tolerant of government anti-terrorism efforts, were more concerned about threats to their civil liberties after the Snowden scandal.

More from GlobalPost: 11 disturbing things Snowden has taught us (so far)

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