Georgia police on Friday arrested two teenagers suspected of shooting dead a 13-month-old baby being pushed by his mother in a stroller.
The Brunswick Police Department said the boys, aged 14 and 17, would be charged with murder, NBC News and WTLV reported.
The mother, Sherry West, was walking in Brunswick on Thursday morning when the two boys allegedly approached her and demanded money.
When West told the boys she didn’t have any, one of them allegedly pulled out a gun and shot the baby in the head and West in the leg, ABC News reported.
Brunswick police spokesman Todd Rhodes told a news conference earlier that officers had received “more than 30 leads” about the shooting.
The arrests came after police conducted a door-to-door search for the boys and scoured school attendance records in the area to see who was missing from class at the time of the shooting.
“We will not rest until somebody has been arrested for this senseless act,” Rhodes said.
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