Target Grades: Grades 6-8
Content Areas: Mathematics
Topics: Probability and statistics, epidemiology, measurement, data analysis, histograms.
Time required: One 60-minute class period, with possibility to extend
CCSS: Math.Content.6.Sp.B.4, Math.Content.6.Sp.B.5, Math.Content.6.Sp.B.5.A, Math.Content.6.Sp.B.5.B, Math.Content.8.Sp.A.1
You and a friend are sitting down to lunch, and all of a sudden…“AAACHOOOO!” One of you sneezes! Your first thought after “bless you” might be to wonder: “Did the cell phone, notebook, or peanut butter and jelly sandwich that I left on the table get covered in sneeze?”
If you’re curious about how far sneezes travel, you aren’t alone. Because sneezing can spread infectious diseases like the flu and the common cold, many scientists and doctors are interested in better understanding how far a sneeze can travel. For example, Dr. Lydia Bourouiba and Dr. John Bush of MIT’s Applied Mathematics Laboratory wrote mathematical equations to predict and describe the path of a sneeze. Their predictive equations, called mathematical models, incorporated a branch of physics called fluid dynamics (how fluids move) and accounted for gases as well as larger particles of spittle in three dimensions. The team then tested these predictions by actually filming and observing sneezes using a high-speed camera and computer imaging software. Grab a tissue and watch as they describe their findings in the Science Friday video “Nothing to Sneeze At”:
The research of Dr. Bourouiba and Dr. Bush focused primarily on the gases and small particles (< .1 millimeters) in a sneeze, showing that the small particles can become “suspended” or buoyant within a sneeze cloud, enabling them to travel great distances. However, as they hint in the video, larger sneeze particles behave a bit differently. In the following experiment, you will use a dropper and some paint to simulate a sneeze in order to better understand how these large droplets behave.
Using the data from your sneeze simulation, you will create a histogram of the number of sneeze droplets that fall at various distances from the sneezer. A histogram is a type of graph that represents how often an event occurs over fixed intervals, such as distance or time. Using your histogram, you will be able to answer the question, “At what distance from a sneeze is your notebook or cell phone at greatest risk of getting hit by large snot and spit droplets?”
Objectives: Students Will Be Able to:
1. Simulate a sneeze with a dropper and paint:
On a washable or protected flat surface, lay six pieces of paper in a line, long end to long end. At one end, set a box or overturned waste bin (“sneeze stand”). Label each piece of paper with a range that represents its distance from the sneeze stand, starting closest to the trash bin. For example, the first page will be labeled 0-21.5 centimeters (cm), the next 21.5-43 cm, etc. See an example below.
With your dropper, gently squeeze the bulb to suck up a very small amount (0.25 ml, or about 4 drops) of paint. Make sure that the paint stays in the very tip of the dropper. Hold the dropper horizontally on top of your sneeze stand, and barely peek over the edge of the stand. Make sure the dropper is facing the papers so that when you squeeze the dropper, most of the paint lands on the paper. Count to three, and then squeeze the dropper very quickly—you are simulating a sneeze. You can shout “ACHOOOO”! at the same time for added effect. See an example of the setup above.
2. Count large sneeze droplets. Where do most of them fall?
With a pencil, draw a circle around every sneeze droplet that is over 5 mm. Count the circled droplets on each page, and record those numbers on the sneeze droplet data table and analysis sheet. Now look at the smaller (
4. Conclude and evaluate: What patterns does your histogram show?
(these questions are also available on the )
What else can you describe with numbers?
Find out with these Science Friday articles:
Music preferences – This Startup Knows What Tunes You Want to Hear
Taxi trips, fares, and routes – Hello, Stranger, Wanna Share a Cab?
Assessment: Interpret a histogram of sneeze droplet number and the distance each droplet traveled to determine the area of greatest risk of getting soaked by a sneeze.
Accessibility: After paint has dried, visually impaired students can feel droplets in order to count their number and relative size as a means of data collection.
Extensions: Compare the number of droplets and distance they traveled when no tissue was used to the number and distance they traveled when a tissue was held up to the bulb dropper “nose.”