Tulsa 2024: The Real Plan to Make OK the Home of the Summer Olympic Games

The Takeaway

Tokyo, Moscow, Athens, London and Sydney: What do these cities have in common? They’ve all hosted the modern Olympic games.
And if Tulsa (yes, that Tulsa–the one in Oklahoma) has its way, it will soon join this prestigious list.
After going through a self-described bout of economic doldrums, Neil Mavis  says the city is ready to take on the Olympics, and he is spearheading the effort to make Tulsa the home of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games. As he sees it, Tulsa isn’t just up for the task, it has more to offer than any other city in the world.
“We have all the resources,” Mavis told the New York Times. “We just need the spark.”
On The Takeaway, Mavis discusses the economic nuts and bolts of the bid, and why the city should be the next stop for the world’s oldest sporting event.  
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