"Beyond February," a special segment from "The Tavis Smiley Show," explores the ways in which African American leaders are having a lasting impact on contemporary America. This installment celebrates the contributions of established and emerging African American leaders who are working to inspire and strengthen their communities.
Tavis talks to the Reverend Jesse Jackson, the founding president of the Rainbow/Push Coalition, about what it’s like to be a living icon of Black History. Rev. Jackson says he’s always seen himself as part of an "unfolding drama" — in the 1960s, African Americans "got freedom, but not equality."
Rev. Jackson also talks about the current presidential election, advice that he would give to emerging leaders, and what community means to him.
Tavis also interviews emerging leader Van Jones, civil rights attorney and co-founder of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights.
"The Tavis Show is produced by Tavis Smiley productions, and distributed nationwide by PRI.