Photo of a vigil for killed miners (Image by Flickr user TV19 – DD Meighen (cc:by-sa))
There were lapses in safety around the West Virginia mine, but there was also intentional wrong doing, according to a new report on Massey Energy and last year’s Upper Big Branch mine disaster. The company created a culture in which wrongdoing became acceptable. The Takeaway spoke with former federal mine safety chief Davitt McAteer, who led the investigation into the worst American mining disaster in 40 years, and Jessica Lilly, reporter for West Virginia Public Radio.
“The Takeaway” is a national morning news program, delivering the news and analysis you need to catch up, start your day, and prepare for what’s ahead. The show is a co-production of WNYC and PRI, in editorial collaboration with the BBC, The New York Times Radio, and WGBH.