How a Planned City Could Protect Its Citizens from a Drone Attacks

The Takeaway

The legality of the United States targeted killing and drone program is big news these days. This week we got more of a clear sense of the Obama administration’s legal case for drone use when NBC News reported on a Justice Department White Paper  that laid out the legal justifications of that program. It will surely inspire more calls for the United States to clarify the legality of drone use in countries like Pakistan, Yemen, and Afghanistan.
But it’s easy to get lost in the legalese. What if we tried to imagine what it must be like living in a city under threat of our drone program? The thought of those under constant threat led one law student to think of the United States drone program as a design problem.
Asher J. Kohn, a law student at Washington University at Saint Louis, recently audited an architecture class where he decided to imagine a drone-proof city.
What would that look like? It would be gated for starters. And fitted with a high tech code that got you into the safety of the city.

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