Amy Holmes: Live from Houston, Texas, on the road is former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, who will be starring on Dancing with the stars. Thank you so much for joining us, Congressman.
Rep. Tom DeLay: Well, I don’t know about starring on Dancing with the Stars, but I’m going to be dancing!
Amy Holmes: So I have to ask you, you’re going to be going from The Hammer to Tommy Twinkletoes.
Rep. Tom DeLay: [laughter] Aw, don’t do that to me! [laughter]
Amy Holmes: Another question I have to ask …
Rep. Tom DeLay: We’ll see if I have twinkle toes later on when I learn how to dance.
Amy Holmes: So another question: of course, everyone wants to know … are you looking forward to the costume fittings with all the sequins?
Rep. Tom DeLay: Sequins are up for negotiation. Pink color is up for negotiation. Right now I hope that I do the Paso Doble in white tie and tails.
Amy Holmes: and of course as a Texan you’re going to be up against Dallas Cowboy Michael Irvin. Does it break your heart that you’re going to have break him over your knee?
Rep. Tom DeLay: [laughter] That’s what people are going to find out. I never had to break a leg to get a vote ? what I did was woo people and grow the vote, so … maybe I can woo Michael into defeat.
Amy Holmes: So of course there is a serious question to all of this. I’m sure you’ve heard the criticism, Congressman: you’re under indictment. Some people speculate this is a way to win public sympathy and public support in potentially an upcoming trial, what do you say to that?
Rep. Tom DeLay: First of all, I can’t get to trial; this is nothing but modern day politics. My political opponents indicted me on laws that don’t exist in Texas, so I can’t get to trial. Be that as it may, I don’t care any more, I’ve pushed that all behind me, and I’m moving on from the politics of personal destruction.
Andrea Bernstein: so Congressman DeLay, this is Andrea Bernstein. If it wasn’t to rehabilitate your image, what made you want to do this?
Rep. Tom DeLay: I was asked! The producers, I guess, on a lark, called me up and wanted to know if I’d be interested. It took me about 15 minutes after talking to my wife and daughter. I love to dance!
Amy Holmes: only 15 minutes?
Rep. Tom DeLay: Yeah, I’m a fan of Dancing with the Stars. First of all, to be called by the producers was quite an honor and to be asked was just outrageous, and of course I’m going to take them up on it and learn how to ballroom dance, and just have a good time
Amy Holmes: so have you gotten into the training yet?
Rep. Tom DeLay: I’m driving to it right now! I get my partner in about 30 minutes.
Amy Holmes: And do you have dance training in your background?
Rep. Tom DeLay: sure, I took disco lessons… I danced when I was a kid in Venezuela.
Andrea Bernstein: The hustle? It’s The Hammer to The Hustle, right?
Rep. Tom DeLay: Sure, [laughter] that’s right. From The Hammer to The Hustle, that’s it. Keep trying, keep trying.
Andrea Bernstein: That may be the takeaway ? what’s your favorite dance?
Rep. Tom DeLay: Actually the waltz is my favorite dance, Texas waltz, but I love to polka, Texas two-step, and I really enjoy disco.
Amy Holmes: I’m going to ask you a question about politics, but first, as a fan of the show, you must know that some of the female dancers you’re going to be paired up with are pretty hot ? is your wife going to get jealous when you get close to them?
Rep. Tom DeLay: Naah, my wife is really looking forward to this. Dancing With The Stars is a family show, and they do everything with great taste, and yeah, they use beautiful people, and that just makes it more fun.
Amy Holmes: So getting to politics, as an outsider, you’re watching, of course, the town halls and the healthcare debate unfolding. How do you think Republicans are faring in all of this?
Rep. Tom DeLay: Oh, I think they’re doing very well. I really appreciate what they’re doing. I appreciate mostly that American people are coming out and expressing themselves. They are not buying into this “Obamacare,” and they’re expressing themselves, and that’s now into the psyche of Democrat congressmen …
Amy Holmes: But what about the criticism that Republicans can’t just be the “party of no,” that they have to come up with their own proposals?
Rep. Tom DeLay: Well, they’re not the party of no. They have come up with their proposals. Unfortunately the media won’t, ah, talk about it. All they want to talk about is Obama. The Republicans have a proposal ? they have many proposals; the Democrats choose not to listen to the Republicans at all, and their fate is pretty much dictated because they won’t listen. And they’re going to lose.
Amy Holmes: we had Howard Dean on the show earlier today, and he predicted that the final reform would have a government-run public option. Do you foresee that?
Rep. Tom DeLay: No, it won’t pass. He’s once again … Howard Dean is dreaming dreams. Public option will not get through the Senate. It will have a hard time getting through the House, now. And if it doesn’t get through, then they’re going to have a very tough time passing the bill, because all the liberals will vote against it if there’s no public option. Now the leadership of the House and Senate and the President are in a terrible situation just now.
Andrea Bernstein: Congressman, the Democrats won the election, they control Congress, shouldn’t they get to have the.. isn’t that the will of the American people for them to get the health care plan that they want?
Rep. Tom DeLay: No, the will of the American people is being expressed right now. And the politicians are responding to it. The will of the American people didn’t vote for this. And they finally realize it.
Andrea Bernstein: I guess we’re going to have to see about that, but it seems to me, having covered the election, the American people did think they were voting for healthcare reform.
Rep. Tom DeLay: Not this health care reform. They were voting for the health care reform that Obama was talking about, and when you get down to the details, as we now are, the American people are rejecting it.
Amy Holmes: so Congressman DeLay, your take on Obama: do you think that he really did promise centrist health care reform, or that he’s pulled a bait and switch?
Rep. Tom DeLay: Typical liberals, they say one thing and when their actions prove differently, the American people wake up.
Andrea Bernstein: Isn’t that what the Republicans are doing here, though? The Republicans are attacking all of these things, but are promoting plans that might bust spending? Aren’t we all playing politics?
Rep. Tom DeLay: I didn’t hear all of what you said, but the Republicans are stating their position, they have alternatives that are real reform, alternatives that are market-based, not government-based, and the American people are participating in the debate now, and Obama is losing.
Amy Holmes: Congressman, I’ve got to cut in. Quick question: Are you a little bit country or a little bit rock-and-roll?
Rep. Tom DeLay: [laughter] I’m a lot country, but I’m going to learn rock-and-roll.
Amy Holmes: Congressman DeLay on the phone with us, Dancing With The Stars.
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