Anatomy of ‘Weinergate’

The Takeaway

The basics of “Weinergate” are well established. Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY), has a Twitter account. The Friday before Memorial Day weekend, a picture was posted on Yfrog and tweeted from Weiner’s account to that of a 21-year-old college student in Seattle. The picture, as most of the country knows by now, was a shot from the chest down of a man in his underwear. It was immediately deleted. Rep. Weiner claimed, on twitter, that he’d been hacked. Takeaway Washington correspondent Todd Zwillich has been watching this unfold. John Abell, New York Bureau Chief for, discusses Rep. Weiner’s assertion that “I was pranked, I was hacked, I was punked” and how a person might actually prove such a thing.

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