Linda Maria Thompson


The World

Linda Maria Thompson (1978) is a Swedish-American photographer based in Ångermanland, northern Sweden. Her work explores questions surrounding transience and impermanence on both a personal and political scale. She was born in Sweden – raised in the United States and currently lives in Härnösand with her family. Linda channels her roles as both a native of -and immigrant to- Sweden in her approach and her projects reflect her interest in issues surrounding migration as well as how memory and nostalgia are manifested in photographs.Linda has a strong background in photojournalism with a bachelor of arts in photojournalism from the University of Montana and a Master of Arts in photojournalism from Mid Sweden University. For 6 years she was a staff photographer at the Missoulian newspaper covering western Montana. She combines her love of photography with a passion to teach and is currently adjunct instructor and program coordinator of undergraduate studies in photojournalism at Mid Sweden University. Her photographs have been published and exhibited internationally.

Aina from Sri Lanka looks through a window of a playhouse while she and her fellow preschoolers wait for the start of the Saint Lucia pageant.

Hundreds of miles from danger, these families still aren’t safe


Nearly 200,000 refugees flee to Sweden every year. But getting there is just the first challenge, says photographer Linda Maria Thompson. Thompson, an immigrant herself, attempts to capture the migrant experience in her project “In Place of Memory.”