Betto Arcos is a regular contributor to PRI's The World, covering Latin and world music. He was born in the state of Veracruz in Mexico and now lives in Los Angeles.
A native of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, Betto Arcos is an independent radio producer and host of KPFK’s world music show Global Village (Tuesdays, 11am-1:00pm, PST), a daily program he created as music director in 1997.Since 2009, he’s been a regular contributor to PRI's The World and NPR’s Weekend All Things Considered, covering Latin and world music. In addition to his public radio work, Betto co-produced three award-winning experimental radio art collaborations with performance artist Guillermo Gomez-Peña. Betto has also helped with a number of recording projects, including Ry Cooder’s “Chavez Ravine” and Lila Downs’ "La Cantina."Betto collaborated as music supervisor in the documentary films “Calavera Highway” by Renee Tajima-Peña and “2501 Migrants: A Journey” by Yolanda Cruz. In 2002, he developed and helped teach the music portion of Prof. David Carrasco’s course “Religion in the Latin American Imagination” at Harvard University. Betto graduated with honors in journalism from the University of Colorado.Betto is a foodie with no boundaries, enjoying tequila Fortaleza and rum Zacapa from Guatemala.
La Cuneta Son Machín is a band from Nicaragua composed of young musicians whose older family members were musical superstars during the Sandinista regime. They didn’t want to sound old, but they wanted to use the same record producer, which has resulted in a Grammy nomination.