Amanda Aronczyk


Studio 360

Theremin 101

Arts, Culture & Media

Remember the eerie flying saucer sound effect from old B-movies? It’s produced by a theremin, the only instrument you play without touching. Kurt gets a lesson from theremin virtuoso Pamelia Kurstin. Produced by Amanda Aronczyk.

Richard Wright as Bigger Thomas

Arts, Culture & Media
Pamelia Stickney performing in 2009

Theremin 101: How to sound like a flying saucer

Medical Improv Train-the-Trainer Workshop

Take two laughs and call me in the morning

A scene from Scrubs

Medical humor can be OK — if kept to its proper place and time

The World


Arts, Culture & Media

Monticello is home renovation run amok. Thomas Jefferson was as passionate about building his house as he was about founding the United States; he designed Monticello to the fraction of an inch and never stopped changing it. Yet Monticello was also a plantation worked by slaves, some of them Jefferson’s own children. Today his white […]