Podcast: How the Political Crisis in Puerto Rico is Unifying the Puerto Rican Diaspora 2019-07-31

The Takeaway

How the Political Crisis in Puerto Rico is Unifying the Puerto Rican Diaspora

The protests in Puerto Rico have served to lift up the voices of groups that were typically underrepresented on the island: LGBTQ people, women, and members of the diaspora.

Democratic Debates in Detroit and Where Black Voters Stand in 2020

Democrats lost many black voters in 2016. The Democratic debates in Detroit, a majority-black city, could show how Democrats plan to get those votes back in 2020.

Did Katy Perry Steal A Song? A Forensic Musicologist Weighs In

A jury decided this week that Katy Perry’s hit “Dark Horse” infringed on the copyright of Christian rap group.

Other segments: 

US Nuclear’s Secret Plan to Leverage Trump’s Saudi Ties into a Comeback

Congress is investigating the plan, which would export nuclear tech to Saudi Arabia, and could be in violation of U.S. law.

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